Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Plan Your Work and Work Your Plan

We can't always see what God is up to. But can't we assume He is up to something good?

Joseph faced disaster on a global scale. It had been two years since the last drop of rain. No rain meant no farming. No farming meant no food. Yet Joseph knew God was still God in the crisis. So he faced the crisis with a plan. The plan could fit on a post-it note. "Save for seven years. Distribute for seven years. Manage carefully." Could it have been any simpler? Could it have been more boring?

Some flamboyance would have been nice. A little bit of the Red Sea parting, Jericho's walls tumbling, or was dead Lazarus walking. A dramatic crisis requires a dramatic response, right? Hmmm...not always.

Seems we equate spirituality with high drama: Paul raising the dead, Peter healing the sick. Yet for every Paul and Peter, there are a dozen Josephs. Steady hands through whom God saves people. Joseph never raised the dead, but he kept people from dying. He never healed the sick, but he kept sickness from spreading. He planned his work and worked his plan. And because he did, the nation survived. He triumphed with a calm methodical plan.

In the end it's not the flashy and flamboyant who survive. It's those with steady hands and sober minds.

You prefer a miracle for your crisis? You'd rather see the bread multiplied or the raging sea turned calm with a finger snap? God might do that. Then again, He may tell you, "I'm with you. I can use this for your good. Now let's make a plan." Trust Him to help you.

Believe that Jesus is who He says He is; that He can do what He says He can do; that you are who He says you are. You can do all things through Him! 

Monday, March 4, 2019

What do you do with a "maybe"?

1 Samuel 14:6 (GWT)

It's kind of comforting to know prophets of old were sometimes as unsure of what steps to take as I am today! Don't you think? Joshua seemed to, and probably did, feel it was the right thing to do, but there is some uncertainty in his words. There seemed to be some doubt.

Sure, doubt is the opposite of faith, but the "sure thing" doesn't require any faith. In Hebrews 11:6, faith is identified as a prerequisite for pleasing God. The truth is, most of us face more "maybes" than we do certainties in our walk with God. There are times we have a sense of what's right, what God's will is, but we will still have doubts and uncertainties.

Sometimes you have to move out on a "maybe." I'm not talking about some senseless action and trusting God to empower our whims, but I do believe there are times you have to step out by faith, and that means YOU WILL NOT BE SURE. To wait until you're sure is NOT moving by faith. All you may have is a "maybe," but I believe there are times when God is waiting on us to see what we will do with a "maybe". I know God can open and shut doors that we, nor anyone else, can do anything about. However, I also believe there are doors that God unlocks, but leaves closed, seeing if we have the faith to try the doorknob! We often miss God's movement and direction, because we're waiting on a billboard. It just may be that God us wanting us to "push on the door" a little bit!